Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Quick... join a group

Securing special treatment in the USA can now be described by a simple formula: Identify yourself as a member of a  minority group (any minority group - make one up if need be), set up your ideology for failure in the public square, then watch in amazement as your ideology is fast tracked into a law granting special protections and privileges via the courts. 

(Bonus: Enforcement will come gratuitously via the PC Apparatus - which is not entirely free: it will cost someone their 1st amendment rights.)

Simple enough, until you play it all out to its logical conclusion.  When our rights and protections  are sourced from our affiliation with some group or organization, rather than the 'inalienable rights endowed to us by our Creator', the specific protections from government abuse incorporated into the U.S. Constitution are usurped by the manufactured rights and privileges accorded to various groups.

Not a member of a recognized group? Sorry, but that means you are a loser.
Oops,  'loser' is mean spirited.

Let's just go with Epic Fail.

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